An Owl Statue, which mysteriously appeared in a Duxbury woodland has been defaced by vandals.

The sculpture, which was carved from storm damaged trees, appeared in the park woodland in 2014 and had captured the imagination of the community.

And to some residents the wood sculptures held significant importance and a place where they shared fond family memories.

Frank Williams, from Wigan, had used the owl as a space for days out with their son Ian, who battled cancer for the last three and a half years.

Ian recently died and his parents went to lay flowers at the owl and where disgusted to see the face had been hacked off.  

Frank said: “We were gobsmacked and amazed that somewhere we use as a personal place had been defaced.

“Ian had cancer for three and half years and he used that place and always let us know when he saw the owl so it was always special for us.

“We have gone up there many times and you would never expect to happen there.

“It is a lovely area, and you do not associate things like that in the area.”

Other visitors shared their disbelief at the vandalism and the fact that someone had brought tools especially to deface the statue.

Frank said: “I hope they can’t sleep at night knowing what they did.”

The sculpture, which was originally accompanied by a snake were located on the south side of the River Yarrow in woods which were a top destination for dog walkers.

Duxbury is home to Duxbury Jubilee Park, Duxbury Golf Course, the woods and the River Yarrow.

It was also home to Duxbury Hall, the seat of the Standish family for centuries.

There have been no other reports of vandalism in the Duxbury area and it appears to be a one off event.