A “calculating” man who sexually touched a young girl on at least five occasions has been sentenced to five years in prison.

William Crotty, 69, pleaded guilty to four counts of assaulting a girl under 13 by touching at a plea and trial preparation hearing at Blackburn Magistrates’ Court in July.

The first three counts relate to one incident each, while the fourth count states “on at least two occasions".

The offending happened between May 2019 and August 2022.

The offending came to light when the victim’s family discovered a diary belonging to the girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons, in which some details of the offending had been written down.

Police officers visited their home in July of last year and took information from both the victim and her family.

Crotty, of Collingwood, Clayton-le-Moors, initially denied any wrongdoing but later admitted the offences in a police interview and to his wife.

Paul Brookwell, prosecuting at Preston Crown Court, said when Crotty was interviewed on July 31 last year, he said he was initially shocked when the police attended and it was “a natural response to go on the defensive".

Crotty also said each incident would “only be a short space of time” because “he knew it was wrong".

He also said he “did not mean to do her any physical or mental harm".

A statement from the victim’s family read to the court said the victim felt “fear, confusion, and trauma” as a result of what happened, and she had become “physically closed off and withdrawn".

It added: “You inflicted fear, embarrassment, pain, and confusion on an innocent child. Nothing can excuse your actions.”

Philip Holden, mitigating, described Crotty’s crimes as “grave offending".

He said Crotty was of previous good character.

Judge Guy Mathieson, sentencing, described Crotty as “calculating and predatory,” saying “this was your dirty secret, yet you continue unchecked, even by your own conscience".

He added: “There is emotional damage to everyone involved and one cannot predict quite how long-lasting.

“All the guilt, all the responsibility is yours to bear alone.”

A custody image of Crotty was requested by the Lancashire Telegraph but there was not one available to give.

Crotty was sentenced to five years in prison. He will be subject to sex offender notification requirements for life and was given a sexual harm prevention order for 10 years.