A dog daycare facility in East Lancashire has had expansion plans approved by the council.

Eaves Hall Hounds, based in West Bradford, looks after up to 24 dogs at a time and was looking to regularise this with Ribble Valley Borough Council following a sustained period of growth.

The business opened in 2019 and has proved a big success, gaining a five-star rating from the council.

Its rapid growth since opening meant the number of dogs on site was allowed to increase.

The council has now approved the plans subject to various conditions.

A planning statement said: “The day-care business hasn’t just decided on a whim to increase from the initial 12 to the current 24 capacity.

“It has been based, first and foremost, on-demand from local dog owners within the valley, subsequently needing more staff to facilitate this due to DEFRA guidance having to be followed.

“The business supports the local community and economics of the area by providing a local service to local people."

The application also explained how most facilities have reached their capacity and refusal of the application could lead to owners not being able to keep their dogs.

It said: “If the sought permission was refused, it would ultimately incapacitate the business to function and its employees therein.

“Not only that, but it would create a knock-on effect to its customers who would have to look elsewhere for dog care, or ultimately not be able to keep their dog due to welfare issues, as the majority of other facilities have reached capacity.

“The RSPCA guidance is that a dog should not be left alone for longer than four hours at once.

“A considerable amount of our customers work 12-hour shifts, thus needing the day-care business to support them and their employment.”

To view the plans in full, visit the council’s website.