One of the region's top Independent schools, Westholme is celebrating after producing another strong set of GCSE results. 

The school said it had seen year-on-year improvements at every grade, including almost double the percentage of grade 9s from 2023.

Principal Paul Taylor said: “We are incredibly proud of our students. They coped admirably with the pressures of their first public examinations, and we are delighted with the results of their sheer hard work.” 

Student Rowan Orr gained nine 9s and one grade 8 in subjects including English literature, Maths and physics. 

Zain Sykes was one of many students delighted to achieve the highest grades achieving six 9s, three 8s and one 7.
The grades achieved today are some of the best in the school's recent history, with almost a quarter of all entries graded 9-8 and an impressive 37 percent achieving 9-7.  

Mr Taylor said: “I would also like to pay testament to my colleagues who have taught and guided this cohort through their time in the Westholme family. The care that students receive from Primary Reception through to the Upper Sixth is exceptional.”

Some of these students will be progressing on to Westholme’s nationally recognised INSPIRED Sixth Form to continue their studies. 

Mr Taylor added: “The basic building blocks are now in place, and we expect our students to thrive in the academic side of life in the Westholme INSPIRED Sixth Form as well as continue to commit to their all-round development through our extensive co-curricular programme. 

"I know that they will continue to ‘work hard’ and ‘be kind’, our core values here at Westholme.”

Some of the East Lancs top performers were

Oliver Lowe plays for Oswaldtwistle CC

Cricketer Oliver Lowe proved he really is an all-rounder after achieving three 8s, three 7s, two 6s and a 5 in his GCSEs.

Oliver, who plays for Oswaldtwistle’s first team, took his exams while training for pre-season cricket.

He said: “I’m really happy. I was nervous this morning – but I have got about what I expected though.”

He will now go on to study business, economics and PE and hopes to study a degree apprenticeship in finance.

Although he’s not sure what he wants to do career-wise, he is looking forward to something in the finance world.

He said: “I have quite an interest in the stock market – and it’s something I spend quite a lot of time researching my spare time.”

Oliver said he would also like to play cricket professionally. He currently plays around four times a week after taking up the sport as a youngster as a way of keeping active.

Ella Walmsley celebrates

Ella Walmsley, 16, from Blackburn, is following in her mother’s footsteps, after achieving top GCSE marks at Westholme School. 

She said she was not expecting her results of 9s in art and English literature, and 8s in history, drama, English language and Latin.  

She said: “I’m so happy, and I’ve done better than I did in my mocks. I worked hard after getting those results to make sure I did well in the real thing.” 

Ella is hoping her creative side will serve her well in her next steps, as she hopes to go onto a degree apprenticeship in advertising with the BBC, after studying English literature, art and Latin at A-level with Westholme INSPIRED Sixth Form.  

Ella’s mum Katie, a former Westholmian, said: “I’m delighted with how well she’s done. I’m so proud of how hard she’s worked. The results are a testament to her dedication and also to the teachers at Westholme.” 

Zain Sykes at Westholme

A Burnley teenager is amongst the highest achievers in Westholme School’s results day, as the number of grade 9s doubles on last year. 

Zain Sykes, 16, achieved six 9s, including maths and further maths, in his GCSEs.

The teenager, who will continue onto Westholme’s INSPIRED Sixth Form in September, is unsurprisingly set to continue his mathematical momentum, studying A-levels in maths, further maths, physics and computer science. 

Speaking of his results, Zain said: “I am delighted with them, it feels like all of the pressure has gone and the hard work has paid off.” 

Zain credited the school environment for his success, citing both his friendship group and teachers as his support system. 

He continued: “Surrounding yourself with people who want to do well was really important for me. The teachers give you a lot of support and all of my friends worked hard together.”