Police are urging parents to speak to their children after gardens were trampled and "knock a door" run pranks were played in the Ribble Valley.

Officers have been contacted by people in the borough who are “aggrieved” due to youths playing knock a door run (a prank when children ring a doorbell and run away), pulling up plants, damaging trees and trampling over gardens.

Officers have urged parents to speak to children about this behaviour and how it might impact others.

A spokesperson said: “If you are a parent please can you have a chat to your child about how behaviour of this nature may be perceived or impact on others.

"What is a bit of a laugh to [children] isn't so funny for a 92-year-old [woman] who takes 10 minutes to get out of her chair every time the door goes. 

“I know as parents we don't like to think our child would behave like this. If you have no doubts about your child not conducting themselves like this it may also be worth covering ‘joint enterprise’ with them so that they're aware that, despite not doing anything wrong, if they are part of a group that is they may also be held accountable.

“If you are a victim of this kind of behaviour please can you report it to me by reply, online or via 101.”