A driver has been reported for "hogging" a lane of the M6.

The driver of the car was spotted by police travelling in lane three on the M6.

In the three-lane stretch, they remained in lane two and ignored requests by police to use the correct lane.

The vehicle was pulled over. The driver was reported for due care offences.

A police spokesperson said: “The driver of this vehicle was observed travelling in lane three of four on M6 northbound.

“In the three-lane stretch they maintained a position in lane two and ignored polite requests by MN34 to use the correct lane. Vehicle stopped and driver reported for due care offence.”

Lane hogging and tailgating both fall under the offence of careless driving with police officers having the power to hand out on-the-spot fines of £100 and three penalty points, meaning failing to keep left on the motorway and close following could hit people in the pocket.  

Edmund King OBE, AA president, said: “Considerate driving is not just about being kind, but it is about keeping safe. The top five types of drivers loathed by AA members are the tailgaters, the lane-hoggers, the phone abusers, the lane swoopers, and the undertakers.  

“All these activities are dangerous and indeed stressful for the perpetrators as well as other drivers. Sadly, some people seem to change personalities when cocooned in their metal boxes on wheels."