Family and friends are dressing up as superheroes and trekking up Darwen Tower to help raise funds for a hospital that helped care for a baby boy. 

Jack Le Blond was born on May 16 last year and fought for his life from the moment he entered the world, his family said.  

After 105 challenging days in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Burnley General Teaching Hospital, he was welcomed home in Darwen. 

To honour Jack's resilience and give thanks for the life-saving work of NICU, Jack's family will become superheroes and walk to Darwen Tower on Saturday 31 August. 

Jack's mother, Bekkie, said: "After 105 days in NICU, we finally arrived home together. He required resuscitation at birth and was soon transferred to NICU due to low blood sugar.

"Just as we thought he was stabilising, his condition took a turn for the worse. 

"Jack experienced severe complications, including a serious infection in his intestine known as NEC, which required ventilators, antibiotics and ultimately, emergency surgery to remove part of his bowel. 

"His journey was filled with critical moments but thanks to the incredible care he received, Jack is now thriving. He had his final surgery at the end of February 2024 and is now thriving.

"I've met so many amazing people on this journey."

"The other parents I met along the way also gave me so much hope and strength. I've seen how the smallest of people can be the strongest but there are many babies who don’t have the same happy ending as we have."

She added: "NICU gives every baby a fighting chance though which is why we have chosen to raise funds in aid of our local NHS hospitals charity, ELHT&Me, who provide enhancements to the unit."

Demi Houghton, digital fundraising officer at ELHT&Me, said: "It's inspiring to see the community come together to support a unit that is filled with inspiring babies, families and staff. 

"Charitable funding enables a host of possibilities that enhance patient and staff experiences and events like this superhero walk highlight the impact that we can all make within our hospitals.”

To donate, visit and search 'Bekkie's fundraiser for ELHT&ME'.