A “dangerous and cowardly bully” stabbed a man and woman in a “horrific attack” in Burnley.

Fayaz Khan, formerly of Briercliffe Road, Burnley, entered a home at around 6pm, on December 13, 2023, and began repeatedly stabbing a woman with a lock knife.

Khan, 69, then attacked and stabbed a man who was trying to disarm him and protect the woman.

The victims were “lucky to not have life-changing injuries”.

While in custody, Khan made various threats towards a female witness and others if they gave evidence in court.

He was said to show no remorse for his actions throughout the investigation.

He was charged with attempted murder, assault occasioning actual bodily harm, coercive controlling behaviour, witness intimidation and possession of an offensive weapon.

Following a trial at Preston Crown Court he was convicted of attempted wounding with intent, assault occasioning actual bodily harm, coercive controlling behaviour, witness intimidation and possession of an offensive weapon.

Yesterday, August 19, he was jailed for 15 years.

The officer in charge of the case, detective constable Hannah Winkley, said: “Khan is a dangerous and cowardly bully who subjected the victims to a horrific attack and has shown no remorse for his actions throughout the investigation. The victims were incredibly lucky to not have life changing injuries. I welcome the significant sentence that was handed down by the court, which reflects the seriousness of Khan’s offending and the risk he poses.”