A woman, who was raped in Blackburn, said she will “carry scars” of the assault for her whole life.

Lee Barr, 27, now of no fixed address but previously of Tythebarn Street, Darwen, raped, strangled and bit a woman at a property in Blackburn.

Police said the woman showed “incredible bravery and strength” by telling officers what he had done.

In a victim impact statement, the woman wrote: “There are really no words which can explain how inhuman and humiliated I have felt, and it took a long time to finally speak out, and finally feel listened to, and believed.

“I am slowly coming out of this nightmare, I am beginning to feel a little bit stronger. I am by no means fully recovered, and the process of recovery will be slow, I have no doubt I will carry the scars all my life.

“But I am determined for this not to beat me, I refuse to let it.”

The prolific thug, who was sentenced to two years in prison for assaulting a man and woman, appeared in the dock at Preston Crown Court last month where a jury unanimously found him guilty of rape and sexual assault.

Barr returned to Preston Crown Court on Friday where he was jailed for 14 years. He was also given a further four-year extended licence after a judge deemed him to be dangerous.

Barr had previously been placed on the sex offenders register for life.

If you or somebody you know has been the victim of a sexual offence, report it online via or call 101. If a crime is in progress always call 999.