Lancashire police officers had a ‘near miss’ with a careless driver who was rushing home. They also issued tickets to uninsured drivers.

At the weekend, one vehicle was seized after it showed as having no insurance on police systems.

The driver was pulled over and said he cancelled his policy and then carried on driving stating that being uninsured was ''a minor thing''. He is set to receive six points on his licence.

Another vehicle pulled into the lane an officer was in, despite there not being any space. The officer had to emergency brake to avoid a crash.

He then did the same to a member of the public who also had to brake.

The driver was pulled over and gave the excuse that he “was a busy man and had to get home”. Checks also revealed he was not on the car’s insurance policy and is set to appear in court.

Another vehicle came through a red light just as the officer was accelerating through a green light. The driver was given a ticket.

A police spokesperson said: “This weekend I've been out in the special response team van across Lancashire.

“One vehicle was seized after showing no insurance on our systems. When I pulled him over the driver stated he cancelled his policy, then knowingly carried on driving stating that being uninsured was '’a minor thing'’. It certainly isn't a minor thing for those people who are crashed into by an uninsured driver. Ticket for six points issued!

“Another vehicle felt it was okay to pull into the lane I was in, despite there not being any space, causing me to emergency brake to avoid a collision, while waiting for a suitable place to request him to stop, he then did the same to a member of the public who also had to emergency brake to avoid a collision!

"I immediately stopped him as it was clear this driving was not that of a careful and competent driver. The driver’s excuse was that he was a busy man and had to get home.

“Checks also revealed he wasn't on the insurance policy so his vehicle was seized. He will now have to explain himself to a magistrate for the offence of driving without due care and attention and driving without insurance.

“Another car came through a red light across my path as I was accelerating through a green light. Another collision avoided! Ticket issued.”