A convicted sex offender downloaded various apps onto his phone which were prohibited by a sexual harm prevention order.

Blackburn magistrates heard Graham Marshall claimed he did not fully understand what he was allowed to have on his phone.

Sending him to Burnley Crown Court to be sentenced, Deputy District Judge Matthew Wallace said the defendant’s record caused him great concern.

“I don’t accept these items were put on your phone innocently,” he added.

Marshall, 41, of Town Hall Square, Great Harwood, pleaded guilty to installing App Clean Planner, Folder Link, Ultimate Cleaner and Instabridge on his phone.

He was committed in custody to Burnley Crown Court to be sentenced.

Usma Kausar, prosecuting, said police had carried out a routine visit and found three cleaner apps on his phone.

“There was another app which hid his identity when he was on the internet,” said Miss Kausar.

“He is a habitual sex offender and these apps suggest he is hiding something and is a great risk.”

Gareth Price, defending, said his client had registered the phone with police on the day that he got it.

“He didn’t fully understand what he was allowed to have on his phone,” said Mr Price.

“He’s confident when the phone is examined there won’t be any images or inappropriate contact.”