A man turned up at his dad’s flat despite being subject to a restraining order imposed for an assault on the older man.

Blackburn magistrates heard James Shaw entered the ground floor flat uninvited and his dad later told police he was scared by his son’s presence.

Shaw, 34, of Brent Street, Burnley, pleaded guilty to breach of a restraining order.

He was sentenced to 12 weeks in prison suspended for 12 months with a six-month drug rehabilitation requirement. He was ordered to pay a £154 victim surcharge and £85 costs.

Usma Kausar, prosecuting, said the restraining order was imposed in April after Shaw had punched his 62 year old dad. On the day of the latest offence Stephen Shaw was in his flat watching TV when Shaw entered uninvited.

“He didn’t want him there and engaged him in small talk, looking for the opportunity to get away,” said Miss Kausar.

“The defendant was aggressive and Mr Shaw said the incident had left him shaken.”

Mark Williams, defending, said his client was in a difficult situation.

“He accepts he has gone to the address where he is not allowed to go and spoken to his father which he is not allowed to do,” said Mr Williams.

He said Shaw had gone to the area to visit a friend who had recently been bereaved.

“He says his father saw him and instigated the contact and invited him over to talk,” added Mr Williams.