A care worker’s car was trashed with a metal bar by the husband of the woman she was assisting.

Blackburn magistrates heard Kaylon Burrows attacked the vehicle outside his home while the carer was inside with his wife.

When he was interviewed later Burrows said he thought the carer was a spy.

Burrows, 27, of Halifax Road, Brierfield, pleaded guilty to criminal damage to a Citroen C1 belonging to Ayesha Aslam. He was remanded on bail for the preparation of a pre-sentence report.

Usna Kausar, prosecuting, said the car owner knew the family and had been working with the defendant’s wife for three years. She had never had any problems with him.

“On this occasion she had parked outside their house and was inside assisting the defendant’s wife,” said Miss Kausar.

“He attacked the car with a metal bar causing damage which has been put at £1,935 by the insurance company.”

Miss Kausar said the aggrieved had been unable to work for 23 days while her car was being repaired and had lost a significant amount of income.

In a victim personal statement she said the incident had left her shaken and fearing for her safety.

“I had never had any issues with him before and don’t know why he did this,” she said.

David Lawson, defending, said his client had mental health and learning difficulties.

“There are clearly issues which needs further investigation,” added Mr Lawson.