A DRIVER stopped late at night because of his speed was later found to be over the limit for the derivative of cocaine and ketamine.

Blackburn magistrates heard Isaac Curness was also marginally over the limit for alcohol but was not prosecuted for that.

Curness, 25, of School Street, Goodshaw Booth, Rossendale, pleaded guilty to two charges of drug driving. He was made subject to a 12-month community order with a 10-day rehabilitation activity requirement and 80 hours unpaid work.

He was banned for 18 months and ordered to pay £85 costs and a £114 victim surcharge.

Deputy District Judge Clare Walsh said the defendant’s youth was no excuse because he was mature enough to run his own business and employ people.

“I struggle to understand how a man with two children is taking cocaine and ketamine,” said Deputy District Judge Walsh. “These drugs are illegal for a reason. As a father, it is about time you stopped taking these substances.”

Zulekha Bhuta, prosecuting, said a roadside alcohol test gave a reading of 36 against the legal limit of 35. He tested positive for cocaine and a subsequent blood sample revealed he was over the limit for benzoylecgonine and ketamine.

Danyal Ahmed, defending, said his client, a father-of-two in a stable relationship, had no previous convictions and ran his own landscaping business.

“He has already suffered as a result of the loss of his licence and is struggling with his work,” said Mr Ahmed. “This is something he has to accept as a result of his actions.”

He said Curness had taken the drugs the night before but the sensible thing would have been not to drive.