AGE UK has been awarded a £363,949.83 contract to provide council day care support services for the elderly in Blackburn.

The two-year deal runs from October 1.

The contract was awarded by Blackburn with Darwen Council.

A similar contract for Darwen has been re-advertised and four bids are being considered after the initial two tenders were deemed unsuitable.

A report by Mark Warren, the borough's strategic director for adults and health says: "I approve the awarding and commencement of the Community Day Care Support Service – Lot 1 (Blackburn) contract to the successful bidder Age UK Blackburn with Darwen following completion of the procurement exercise.

"The current contracts will expire on September 30 2024, having been awarded a six month extension.

"The current contract does not have any further option to extend.

"I approve the recommendation to award the contract to Age UK Blackburn with Darwen.

"The contract will commence on the October 1 2024 for a period of two years until September 30 2026 with no option to extend.

"Due to the non-compliance of two submissions received for Lot 2 (Darwen) it has since been re-advertised and has closed on June 21.

"Four bids have been received and are currently in the process of undergoing an evaluation.

"The contracts for Community Day Care support services which have been in place since 2019.

"The current day care support service commission is interdependent with the utilisation of community centres in Blackburn, Accrington Road and Greenfields.

"Age UK Blackburn with Darwen will deliver the service is at the Accrington Road Community centre on the ground floor.

"The number of transport runs will reduce.

"This however will still enable transport to day care pending the wider review of costs incurred. Transport policy is under review.

"This proposal will assist the council’s efforts to ensure that there is a stable market to provide for the care needs of the local community.

"This includes the requirement to ensure that providers can remain viable and can attract and retain staff to provide the care to the required standard.

"The key aim of day services is to enable people to access the community outside of their home and also support unpaid carers.

"A consultation has taken place which included service users, carers, family members, staff, volunteers, managers, and staff across the council."