A 'dangerous rapist' who attacked a woman while she was screaming and crying has been jailed. 

Daniel Owen Mercer, 39, was sentenced after being found guilty by a jury at Preston Crown Court on Thursday.

The court heard the victim was screaming and crying while Mercer raped her.

DS Mark Parrington said: “This was a long and complex investigation which ultimately resulted in a dangerous individual being brought to justice.

“The impact of his appalling behaviour has had a profound impact on the victim. 

"She has shown incredible strength first of all in coming forward and then giving evidence during the trial. I would like to place on record my thanks and admiration.

“I hope this case and its outcome will give other victims of sexual offending the confidence to come forward, knowing that we will listen to them and act on the information they provide.”

Mercer, of no fixed address, was sentenced to 14 years immediate custody, with a further three years extended licence, after the judge deemed him to be a 'dangerous' offender. 

Mercer was also ordered to sign the Sex Offender Register for life.