Bad and dangerous drivers are a nuisance but there are now a new breed who are fast becoming a bigger annoyance than anything else.

People tend to think younger people are responsible for driving poorly on our roads. In my opinion, young people are not really the problem.

Much like the disturbances earlier this month, young people are not the main culprits. It was some of the middle-aged crowd that were causing the biggest problems.

We now have a generation of people who have simply not grown up. Many are now aged in their late thirties to fifties and appear to be acting like teenagers, despite the receding hairline and the belly.  It is not a good look.

It may well be they were spoilt from a young age or they now feel they have to make up for not being a complete idiot when they were younger.

I come across these folk, regularly. The men who still think they are living in some 90s gangster movie and attempting to re-live their youth.

This sense of entitlement grows and they feel they now 'own' the road.

It is depressing and sad when I see this.

Just last week as I headed into town with my young daughter some bloke overtook me on a main road and then a learner driver who was in front of me. After doing so, he slammed his brakes on in front of the learner driver.

Clearly, this was extremely scary for the learner driver.

Later, he pulled his window down after turning his car around at a mini roundabout to address me.

Now, I was expecting to see some younger chap not a portly fellow with a beard who had clearly been on the morning weed.

“Why are you looking at me bro’, he asked.

I was just looking at ‘someone who was driving dangerously when I had my kid in the car’, I replied.  There was a pause and he drove off.

As you get older you are meant to become less bothered with the little things in life. You appreciate that some things are not meant to be and you cannot control everything.

I now believe the opposite happens to some people and they become bigger muppets.

Especially on our roads.