Westholme Inspired Sixth Form pupils are celebrating after another "outstanding" set of A-level results. 

The independent school in Blackburn said a quarter of pupils were awarded the top A* and A grades.

Drama results came out on top, which is testament to Westholme recently being shortlisted for an Independent Schools of the Year Award in Performing Arts. 

Newly appointed principal, Paul Taylor, said: “This cohort of students worked incredibly hard throughout their courses and fully deserves these excellent results. 

“They have embraced the academic challenges of Sixth Form study while making the most of the wider opportunities available to them in the Inspired Westholme Sixth Form.

“Our students have been expertly guided by a superb set of teachers who will be just as proud as I am of these achievements.

"The study skills and careers guidance that our students receive throughout their time with us is first class.”

Mr Taylor, added: “We have achieved remarkable success this year with 80% achieving their first-choice university and Degree Apprenticeship. This is an outstanding accomplishment.”

Top performers included Ahmad Saidan (scooping four A*s in maths, further maths, physics and computer science), Hannah Edge (achieving A* Spanish and As in business and Mandarin) and Molly Brooks (achieving A*s in photography and criminology and an A in sociology).

Here are some of the stand out East Lancashire stories from the school

Ben Dang is heading to Manchester (Andy Ford)

Ben Dang, from Blackburn, achieved an A in biology, and Bs in chemistry and drama in his A-levels and is now looking forward to taking one step closer to his dream of becoming a biomedical scientist by studying for a degree in Biomedicine at the University of Manchester.  

Ben said: “Manchester is where all the best scientists have studied and worked.

"It’s amazing to think I’ll be walking the same halls as some of my heroes, and I have Westholme to thank for helping me towards this.” 

Ben has thoroughly enjoyed his time at Westholme, particularly the dramatic performances, including playing Marius in the school’s recent sell out production of Les Misérables.

He also won the chess competition in 2024, a highlight of his school career. 

He said: “The school has been really, really good to me. I’ll miss the teachers, the opportunities the school provides, the parts in the plays, and most of all, my group of friends.

"Westholme has given me so much, both academically and personally.” 

Molly is starting a Degree Apprenticeship

Molly Brooks, 18, from Wilpshire, achieved an A in sociology and A*s in criminology and photography in her A-levels.

Having joined Westholme in Year 7, she is now looking forward to starting a degree apprenticeship in business management with Panache Cruises with UCLan in Preston, inspired by her dad, who runs his own business. 

She said: “I’m ecstatic. I’m a bit overwhelmed.

"The results are a lot better than I expected. I had worked hard but today I was really nervous about opening the envelope.” 

Molly added:  “Choose subjects you’re passionate about and take advantage of everything the school offers. You really can do it all!” 

Emma was ecstatic following her results

Emma Warner, 18, from Wilpshire, is thrilled after receiving an A* in criminology, A in psychology and a B in design technology. 

Following a gap year, Emma hopes to study criminology with criminal justice at Leeds University. 

Emma, who started studying criminology in Year 13, and said she just clicked with the subject. 

She said: “I’m really happy with the results. I just seemed to get it.” 

Since starting at Westholme School in Year 7, Emma said she has made some friends for life - particularly during her time in the Sixth Form. 

Juwairiyah is going on to study medicine

Juwairiyah Mulla has her sights set on a career in the medical field after passing her A-levels including an A* in psychology.

Juwairiyah, from Blackburn, will go on to study medicine and surgery at UCLan in September.

She said: “I’m shocked but very happy.” 

During her studies, Juwairiyah completed a summer placement at Blackburn Hospital in which she shadowed junior doctors and consultants to see how they interacted with patients in the Emergency Surgery unit. 

She said: “Observing the doctors was very valuable. We had a debrief afterwards where they explained what they had said and why. It was a great learning experience.” 

Isabella is hoping to continue her travels

The world is Isabella Clark’s oyster as her grades pave the way for a degree apprenticeship in digital marketing with Panache Cruises, studying at UCLan.

Isabella, from Blackburn, has been at Westholme for 11 years. Her teachers noted she worked exceptionally hard during A-level studies, having often stayed late to get the grades she wanted.

Her hard work paid off as she achieved an A* in photography, B in religious studies and a C in English language. 

She said: “I’ve been to places like the Maldives and Vietnam, so this opportunity is the perfect to continue exploring."

Isabella is already making use of her studies, having used the skills she has acquired through English language to create her first blog for Panache Cruises on the topic of African safaris.

She said: “I’m excited to try copywriting with the skills I’ve learnt from English language.” 

Outside of school, Isabella has completed a British Sub-Aqua Club (BSAC) qualification in ocean scuba diving to bolster her experience in the field of travel.  

She added: “I’m so surprised. The results are beyond what I was expecting - I’m so happy. I’ve really exceeded my own expectations.”  

Triple As for Theo

Theo Molloy, from Burnley, is looking forward to studying electronic and electrical engineering BEng at Leeds University.

Theo achieved an A* in maths, further maths and physics and would like to pursue a career in statistics.  

He said: “I really enjoy statistics and interrogating them. I’m not sure which sector I want to go into yet – I’m leaving my options open.”

Freya has praised her English teacher

Budding novelist Freya Milligan, 18, from Great Harwood, is looking forward to studying English literature at the University of Manchester after achieving three As in her A-levels. 

Freya, who also achieved As in classical civilisation and computer science and English literature, said her ideal job would be in publishing as either a writer for TV shows, or as a novelist.  

Freya said: “I’m really relieved. I was a bit anxious but the grades are about what I expected.” 

Her mum said: “I’m really proud of her. She did a lot of hard work and put in the effort. 

Freya added: “I owe a lot to my English teacher. They have always been really supportive of my career choices and my style of writing. Their encouragement has been really helpful, turning my hobby into hopefully a career.  

“I will miss my teachers when I leave. I think of them as friends.”  

Amelia lands dream university place

Amelia Mahmood, from Barrowford, will soon be studying business management at the University of York.  

Amelia said: “I am relieved I got into my dream university. I have grown up in a business family and I have always wanted a career in business management. I’m not quite sure what field yet – possibly consultancy.”  

“I’ve had such great teachers – they have been amazing! They have encouraged me to pursue what I want to do.” 

Amelia has recently sat her LAMDA grade 8 exam in which she gained a Distinction.   

She said: “I came from a small village primary school and I was really shy growing up. LAMDA helped with my confidence and networking skills.”