An East Lancashire man has admitted being involved in a mass violent disturbance in Southport following the killing of three little girls.

Jonathan Duerden, 31, of The Crescent, Colne, pleaded guilty to violent disorder at St James Road and Zetland Street, Southport on July 30.

Alex Farrow, prosecuting, told Liverpool Magistrates' Court on Wednesday that he was seen on CCTV footage leaning down to the ground, picking up a brick and throwing it at the police cordon by a mosque.

He said: “I believe it landed on top of a police car.”

He told the judge that Duerden has nine previous convictions for 16 offences including failing to comply with community orders.

A bail application was refused and District Judge Paul Healey, who said the matter was too serious to be dealt with at the magistrates court, remanded him in custody.

He is then to appear at the city’s crown court for sentence on Tuesday.