A man crashed his car into a neighbour’s vehicle when he tried to move it from one parking space to the one outside his home.

Blackburn magistrates heard Christopher Berresford immediately knocked on his neighbour’s door and told her he had been drinking and hit her car.

Berresford, 42, of Rowan Avenue, Oswaldtwistle, pleaded guilty to failing to provide a sample.

He was made subject to a community order for 12 months with a five-day rehabilitation activity requirement and 40 hours unpaid work.

He was banned from driving for 18 months and ordered to pay £85 costs and a £114 victim surcharge.

Usna Kausar, prosecuting, said there had been an attempt to provide a specimen of breath at the police station but it had been inadequate.

“There is no suggestion it was a deliberate refusal,” said Miss Kausar.

Damien Pickup, defending, said his client had no previous convictions and had worked for the same firm for 19 years.

“He had taken the afternoon off to watch the racing from Cheltenham,” said Mr Pickup.

“When he got home from work he couldn’t park outside his home and had to leave his car further up the road.

“He walked to the pub and had no intention to drive. When he walked home he saw there was a gap outside his home and foolishly decided to move his car.”

Mr Pickup said at the police station his client had made genuine attempts to provide but he was so worked up he could not provide a proper sample.