A number of guided walks in a historic East Lancashire graveyard will take place in the coming months.

The first of the three tours of Darwen's Western Cemetery will take place on Sunday.

John East, from the Friends of Darwen Cemetery, said: "During August, September and October we will be re-visiting three walks that we have held in the cemetery in the past.

"These walks were very popular when we originally hosted them."

The first walk, titled 'Some Darwen Women', will take place on Sunday, August 18.

The group will be meeting at 2pm at the World War One Memorial Wall in the Western Cemetery.

The walk will concentrate on some of the women from the town who are buried in the cemetery including the true story of the 'White Lady'.

The walk was previously held in 2013.

Darwen historian Tony Foster researched the walk and collated a booklet about it.

The second walk, titled 'Darwen Men at Gallipoli', is on Sunday, September 15, meeting at 2pm at the WW1 Memorial Wall.

This walk was previously held in 2015.

It explains some of the more than 100 men from Darwen who are buried in the cemetery fought in Gallipoli during the Great War and managed to survive the campaign but died in other battles or on their return to the UK.

The walk was researched by Tony Foster and fellow historian Harold Heys who have produced a booklet about it.

The third walk, named 'Torment and Tragedy', will take place on Saturday, October 26, meeting at 3pm at the WW1 Memorial Wall in the Western Cemetery.

It describes some of the more gruesome deaths that took place in Darwen.

The walk was previously held in 2011 and again in 2017.

Mr East said: "When we held the initial walk back in October 2011 it became our most popular walk ever - and still is.

"We held it on the eve of Halloween with over 140 visitors many children and some in fancy dress.

"The walk will start at 3pm and will finish in almost total darkness, so participants should bring their torches."

The walk was researched by Tony Foster who also collated a booklet about it.

The three booklets can be bought for £2.50 during the walk or through the FODC website.