A MAN driving a Fiat 500 tried to give police the slip after they saw him driving erratically.

Blackburn magistrates heard David Geddes drove through a mini roundabout without any attempt to give way and reached 65mph in a 30mph zone.

He eventually turned onto a dirt track with deep potholes and as he drove along it the car was bashed from side to side.

“The driving was extremely dangerous,” said Bilal Saeed, prosecuting.

Geddes, 35, of William Street, Colne, pleaded guilty to dangerous driving, failing to stop for a police officer, possession of cocaine, driving without insurance and other than in accordance with a licence and failing to provide a specimen for analysis.

He was sentenced to six months in prison suspended for two years with a six months drug rehabilitation requirement and a 20-day rehabilitation activity requirement.

Geddes was also banned from driving for two years, with a requirement that he passes an extended re-test, and ordered to pay £85 costs and a £154 victim surcharge.

Bilal Saeed, prosecuting, said officers first saw the car on Netherfield Road, Nelson, just before midnight. The Fiat immediately turned off onto Southfield Street and turned right onto Smith Street.

“He was clearly trying to evade the officers, who illuminated their emergency lights and sirens,” said Mr Saeed.

The Fiat was chased onto Marsden Road where it turned onto the dirt track before coming to a dead end where the driver and a passenger got out.

Jessica Strike, defending, said it had been late at night and fortunately there was very little traffic on the road.

“It was a relatively short pursuit and there was no collision,” she said.

Passing sentence the chairman of the magistrates said Geddes clearly had issues with alcohol and drugs.

“We believe there is a realistic chance of rehabilitation in your case and are sentencing you accordingly,” he said.