A major Darwen employer proposes to dramatically upgrade its fire safety and sprinkler system as part of a redevelopment of its site.

Crown Paints has revealed details of the work at its Lower Eccleshill Road polymer plant.

In 2018 the firm's owners The Hempel Group announced it was investing more than £1million in the Darwen factory.

Now Crown Paints has submitted a planning application to Blackburn with Darwen Council for the improvements.

It is for the 'erection of a single water storage tank, new pump housing, construction of a water run off lagoon, associated bund kerbs and walls, pipe bridges and associated switchgear, and construction of new concrete circulation yard with new entrances/ exits'.

A supporting statement says: "Crown Paints are seeking redevelopment of their existing polymer plant paint production facilities along Eccleshill Road, Darwen."

It said the phased development will include:

  • new water tanks to contain fire suppression medium;
  • associated pipework and pumping equipment;
  • concrete marshalling yard; and
  • wastewater lagoon and associated drainage system.

The statement adds: "The scheme includes the design of a Hempel-compliant fire suppression system for the Darwen Polymer Plant.

"Hempel is the parent group for Crown Paints.

"The project aims to design and install a Hempel-compliant fire suppression system.

"This will give a minimum of two hours' protection.

"This is in contrast to the existing system which only provides 10 minutes protection across a single sprinkler valve set and there are concerns from the current service provider.

"The project will be delivered in phases to deliver ultimately the final site improvement in line in addition to the required sprinkler tank renewal and overall fire suppression improvements.

"Energy efficiency lighting will be used externally.

"The fire suppression system, if triggered, will inevitably create a polluted environment within the confines of the site.

"Therefore, new tanks will be fully bunded to restrict spillage of product and raw material.

"Overspilling medium/water will be trained into the overspill lagoon, by way of a new drainage system.

"Foam medium created during a suppression event will coalesce on the surface of the liquid in the lagoon.

"To prevent this foam from migrating into the local environment a self-supporting net system will be erected above the lagoon to retain the foam.

"The redevelopment of the Polymer Plant is required to provide a maintained safe and protected work environment so that commercial operations can continue on the site.

"The proposals do not represent significant changes to any historic areas aiming instead to maintain the appearance of the existing fields within their current landscaped areas.

"All consideration has been taken to ensure that all materials and details are sympathetic to the existing fabric of the surrounding environment."