Plans to make four new holiday apartments at a hotel near Sabden have been approved by planning officers.

The Wellsprings Hotel, in Clitheroe Road, already has three holiday lets which they say are popular with visitors to the area.

Details submitted to Ribble Valley Borough Council in January included plans to refurbish the downstairs restaurant and bar area and to have four new lets and a caretaker’s apartment.

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A design and access statement said: “The existing ground floor apartments have been used by the owners and visiting family for many years while the business became established.

“The owner now lives locally and requires a smaller, energy-efficient caretaker unit leaving a large area of the ground floor vacant.

“The second reason for the new proposals is that the ground floor area and restaurant above are in urgent need of refurbishment, which will be a huge cost to the business and not a viable option.

“The flat roof is leaking in various locations, windows are in need of replacement.

“The proposals are to totally refurbish the ground floor area into four individual units, one of which would be retained as a caretaker apartment and will retain existing access and stairs to the first floor.

“Three further apartments would be created, all with their own access and outdoor areas.

“The restaurant area above the proposed apartments would be one new apartment, bringing the total to four holiday lets.”

The plans also involve upgrading the exterior of the site with modern windows, door frames, and repairs to the roof to ensure it is watertight.

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New electrical and gas installations will allow for more energy-efficient lighting and equipment to be included.

The application says the overall footprint of the hotel will not change as a result of the development.

The council approved the plans subject to various conditions.