Contractors boarding up the Barclays Bank in Burnley following political vandalism were abused and assaulted by three men.

Blackburn Magistrates' Court heard Omar Gueya was initially trying to act as a peacemaker, but then lost his temper and joined in with the abuse.

Gueya, 30, of Herbert Street, Burnley, admitted to using threatening behaviour. He was bailed to allow a pre-sentence report to be prepared.

Windows were smashed and red paint was thrown at the bank last week leading to it being closed for a number of days due to the vandalism.

Palestine Action took responsibility for the attack, which it said was due to Barclays links to weapons manufacturers. A series of similar attacked happened in other towns and cities earlier this summer.

Five people were charged and appeared in court last week over the attack on the branch of Barclays, which is estimated to have caused £500,000 worth of damage.

Julia Draper, prosecuting, said the contractors were working at the Barclays branch in St James Street which had been targeted by Palestine Action activists last week.

They were approached by three men and one, not the defendant, threw a glass at them. They were asked to go away but responded with racist abuse.

“It is difficult to determine which of the men made the racist comments,” said Miss Draper.

Mark Williams, mitigating, said the defendant and two others had been walking past the bank and went over to see what was going on.

“One of the others became aggressive and threw a glass,” said Mr Williams.

“Initially my client was trying to act as a peacemaker but then for some reason lost his temper.”

He said Gueya had already spent three nights in custody.