Ribble Valley's new Labour MP has signed up for an intensive course in farming and rural affairs.

Maya Ellis, who beat veteran Tory and House of Commons deputy speaker Nigel Evans in July 4's General Election, has enrolled on the first National Farmers’ Union (NFU) Food and Farming Fellowship Scheme.

It offers to give her an unparalleled insight into how the British food and farming sectors contribute to UK food security and the local and national economies.

The scheme will showcase the British food and farming industries and enable MPs to see first-hand how safe, sustainable and affordable homegrown food gets from field to fork.

The year-long itinerary will cover different farming sectors and concludes with a graduation dinner in Westminster where Maya and fellow MPs will be presented with a commemorative pin badge to recognise their work in building up an understanding and knowledge of British food and farming.

Ms Ellis said: “As a newly elected MP, I’m extremely proud to sign up to the NFU’s Fellowship Scheme and demonstrate my full support to our incredible farmers and growers in the Ribble Valley constituency who do a fantastic and valuable job in providing us with high-quality food alongside caring for our much-loved countryside.

“Farming is not only a vital part of the nation’s social fabric but also a valuable contributor to our local economy: an industry forming the backbone of the UK’s largest manufacturing sector – food and drink.

"In 2022, farming’s economic output in Lancashire was valued at £706 million which contributed £244m of Gross Value Added to Lancashire’s economy.

“I’m really looking forward to getting stuck in and learning and understanding much more about some of the big issues impacting the British food and farming sectors, so I am able to speak up on behalf of the industry and highlight the critical role of food security in delivering national security and the investment and growth required for the future of farming.”

NFU north regional director David Hall said: “Through the NFU’s Food and Farming Fellowship Scheme, together with our partners, we will provide the MPs with the tools, knowledge and understanding they need to be able to champion this fantastic industry in their own constituencies and in Westminster.

"They will then be able to campaign with us for the policies needed that allow our farmers and growers to continue producing safe, sustainable and affordable homegrown food alongside caring for the great British countryside.”