A Lancashire man involved in unrest outside a pub during a weekend of demonstrations pleaded guilty to possession of cocaine.

Liam Powell had been part of ‘large scale disorder outside a pub’ in Bolton on Sunday (August 4), Manchester Magistrates' Court heard. 

Police found the 28-year-old in a group of three males and one female. After a search, officers found a ‘small snap bag’ containing cocaine.

The court heard that Powell has 11 convictions for 17 offences, including three drug-related matters from 2012 to 2021 and a violent robbery offence in 2018.

Defending, duty solicitor Gabriella Black said Powell had used the powder on his gums for pain relief and did not know it was cocaine when he purchased it.

Asking for Powell to be punished with a fine, Ms Black said Powell works as a fabricator earning £400 a week.

Judge Hirst said the ‘aggravating features’ of the offence had been the ‘high-risk environment’ in which he was found with the cocaine, with police only attending due to the ‘large scale disorder’.

She added that the community is “always harmed by this type of possession,” with the environment he was found in meaning

Powell, of Hendon Court, Buckshaw Village, Chorley, was sentenced to a 12-month community order with 80 hours of unpaid work.

He was ordered to pay costs of £85 and a government surcharge of £114, for a total of £199.