A peaceful message was left outside Thompson Park in Burnley where there were rumours a protest would take place. 

Thompson Park in Burnley was said to be the location of a protest similar to ones that have taken place across the UK in the past week after a post spread through social media.

The post, which was seen on both Twitter/X and Facebook, said: “Burnley rise up! Enough is enough.

The entrance to Thompson ParkThe entrance to Thompson Park (Image: NQ)

“Burnley protest and speak our voices.

“Meet at Thompson Park August 7, 1pm.”

At that time, there was no sign of any protest in the park – just families going about their day during the school holidays and the odd walker or runner braving the rain.

There was a small police presence, with uniformed officers patrolling the park and police vans being driven around the roads close to the park.

A few graffitied messages were left outside entrances to the park though after the original advertisement of the protest.

A peaceful message left outside the parkA peaceful message left outside the park (Image: NQ)

The main one, at the entrance on Ormerod Road, said: “Love thy neighbour. No room 4 racism.”

Further down Ormerod Road, the same words were repeated in orange chalk.”