A Nelson fire and security company is offering a cutting-edge approach to fire safety training.

Thorne Fire and Security has received support from customers following the introduction of virtual reality to its customer training session.

Having invested £20,000 in a state-of-the-art VR headset and extinguisher prop to use in the sessions the Lomeshaye-based company take participants through a variety of fire safety sessions.

Led by well-known local firefighter Wayne Dowell, users are transported to various settings via the VR headset where they must quickly and effectively respond to imminent fire threats.

Mr Dowell said: “VR is without doubt the future of fire safety training.

"The technology is just incredible and has been specifically designed to provide immersive fire extinguisher training in diverse workplace environments.

“Training typically covers common fire scenarios such as kitchens, offices, and industrial settings, but we can tailor the sessions to meet the needs of a variety of workplaces.”

The reaction of the individual donning the headset is recorded in real time so they can quickly see if they have dealt with the fire effectively or if they need to try again.

Dowell added: “This is nothing like I have ever seen before. It really elevates fire safety training from what has historically been a boring PowerPoint.

“I’ve led several sessions now and the users really enjoy it. It really does give them a good understanding of which extinguisher to use in different scenarios and how to point the hose, so it puts out the blaze quickly and effectively.”

Customers have been thrilled by the new technology with a fire safety marshal from Veka explaining how the course really put users through their paces when it came to choosing the right extinguisher and then putting out the flames.

They added: “The VR training is engaging and fun, while effective in educating attendees as to the correct and safe way to tackle a fire should they need to."