A man who thought his dog was attacking a child picked up the animal and threw it to the floor causing severe injuries.

Kane Bradley, 23, caused the Lurcher dog named Storm to suffer several cuts to its back leg, some of which came when it became trapped between two fence posts while trying to escape.

Christine Upton, prosecuting at Preston Crown Court, said at the time of the incident on July 24, 2023, a man was at home in Brownhill Avenue, Burnley, when he heard his cat being attacked outside.

He ran out to find an XL Bully dog named Merlin, which did not belong to Bradley, and Storm attacking the cat.

Bradley then came running into the garden through a gate which had been left open and picked Storm up to get him away from the cat before throwing him to the ground.

Bradley also appeared in the dock for a separate offence of possessing a bladed article.

On May 15 of this year at around 5.45pm, police received multiple reports of a man carrying a machete in Parliament Street, Burnley.

CCTV footage showed the road was busy with people at the time when Bradley was swinging the machete in the street, including two young girls in school uniform who could be seen in the footage.

The weapon was described as being around 15cm long with a black handle and holes in the blade.

Bradley also appeared to be sentenced for theft at JD Sports in Burnley on May 24 of this year.

Staff members stopped him at the door as he tried to leave having placed a Nike top and a pair of Nike shorts down his trousers.

Bradley, of no fixed abode but previously of Holmes Square, Burnley, pleaded guilty to all offences.

He has 11 previous convictions for 16 offences.

Lewis Bocking, in mitigation, said his client was sorry for what he had done and wished to apologise to the court and to anyone affected by his offending.

Mr Bocking said Bradley acted the way he did because he thought Storm was attacking a child, and that the dog was his “pride and joy.”

Regarding the machete offence, Mr Bocking said Bradley acted impulsively as he was in fear about a large group that had gathered outside the house.

Sentencing, Judge Daniel Prowse said: “I bear in mind you were faced with a fast-moving and distressing incident, but what followed cannot be justified by virtue of what happened previously.

“You lifted him (Storm) high above your head then brought him down to the floor with some force.

"Storm was injured but also terrified by the consequence of his owner attacking him in the way you did.

“On May 15, there were multiple calls made about a male on Parliament Street with a machete.

“Police attended and you were seen to flee from the area.

“It’s plainly a very dangerous weapon which is more than capable of causing serious harm or death.

“Those who carry knives must expect prison sentences to follow.”

Bradley was sentenced to one year and eight months in prison. A deprivation order was made against Storm which means he is now up for adoption.

No order banning Bradley from owning or keeping animals in the future was made.