A 13-year-old girl suffered serious injuries including fractures and a bleed on the brain when she was mowed down by a motorcyclist pulling a wheelie in Burnley.

Arry Todd, 19, performed the dangerous manoeuvre in Briercliffe Road just after 3.30pm on March 21, whilst he was disqualified from driving and did not hold insurance for the crosser-style motorcycle.

Burnley Crown Court heard how the victim, Anika Rahman, went to cross Briercliffe Road, not at the nearby crossing but instead by cutting through the stationary traffic.

As she almost reached the other side, Todd, who had put the front wheel of the bike back on the road at this point, crashed into her, before riding off at speed and not checking on her.

Keith Jones, prosecuting, said Anika suffered fractures to her skull, cheek, jaw, and pelvis, as well as a laceration to her liver and bleeding to the lining of her brain.

In a victim personal statement, Anika said the injuries were painful but that she was mostly just “bored” at the hospital and she was worried about falling behind at school.

The statement also said she had some issues with her memory, though Mr Jones said it was not clear whether these were a direct result of her injuries or from the impact after the crash.

Todd, of Ribblesdale Avenue, Burnley, has previous convictions for aggravated vehicle taking and driving without due care and attention.

Mark Stuart, in mitigation, said both parties were fortunate the injuries suffered, while serious, have had no-long term impacts.

“He’s wholly conscious he’s caused those injuries and is sorry for doing so,” Mr Stuart added.

He also said Todd accepted the driving fell “far below the standards of a reasonably competent driver.”

Todd pleaded guilty to offences of causing serious injury by dangerous driving, driving whilst disqualified, failing to stop, failing to report an accident, and driving without insurance.

Judge Sara Dodd, sentencing, said: “As you approached the pedestrian crossing where other vehicles were stationary, you were on the outside of traffic performing a wheelie.

“I accept you wouldn’t have seen her until she stepped out, but the nature of your driving meant you were unable to stop.

“Having collided with Anika you left her prone on the floor and drove off, clipping another car as you did so.

“You didn’t report the accident but once the police contacted you, you handed yourself in and in interview admitted you hit Anika.

“The pre-sentence report makes it clear you are far from mature.”

Todd was sentenced to two years and six months in prison.

He was also disqualified from driving for three years, with an extra 15 months to reflect his time in custody. He will also need to complete an extended retest to get a licence at the end of his disqualification period.