An East Lancashire local authority has created a £20.000 Cabinet Action Fund to support local groups and events.

The move was announced by Hyndburn Council's new Labour leader Cllr Munsif Dad on Tuesday.

It replaces the similar-sized Leader's Budget set up by his Conservative predecessor Cllr Marlene Haworth in July last year.

At Hyndburn Council's Cabinet meeting on Tuesday, Cllr Dad announced the allocation of a £20,000 budget for the Cabinet Action Fund for the financial year 2024/2025.

He said the fund was dedicated to providing essential support to local residents and addressing various community needs across all wards within Hyndburn.

Ex-leader Marlene Haworth welcomed the newsEx-leader Marlene Haworth welcomed the news

Over recent years, the authority has set aside budgets to empower the leader of the council and the cabinet to react to emerging issues.

His commitment to earmark £20,000 annually for this purpose will continue in future budgets, ensuring sustained support for Hyndburn's community.

The Cabinet Action Fund will be specifically used to:

  • Support key community service providers and assist vital service providers under pressure, ensuring the delivery of essential services and facilities for the benefit of local residents;
  • Enhance and encourage civic functions and events by supporting the organisation and delivery of events that benefit the entire borough;
  • Improve the local street scene by funding additional services that enhance the local environment, making Hyndburn a more pleasant place to visit.

A report outlining the governance and accountability process for the spending of this budget will be presented at the next Cabinet meeting in September.

Cllr Dad said: “I am thrilled to announce our continued commitment to supporting vital small organisations and community groups across Hyndburn.

"This budget allocation will enable us to address several small pressing issues facing residents and small organisations in the borough.”

Cllr Haworth said: "I am pleased the new administration is essentially keeping my leader's budget going.

"It did a lot of good through small grants and supporting community groups. This is welcome news.

"I hope they will follow this up by also replicating our £80,000 a year Community Chest fund to help small groups throughout the borough. That also did a lot of good."