Judges descended on Rawtenstall last week to assess the town’s bid to be named ‘one of Britain’s most beautiful’ towns in a nationwide gardening competition.

Judges from the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) came to the town to see the town’s Britain in Bloom entry. Many items were on display which had been created by the a craft group and local schools as well as a giant decorated chair which is part of a photographic competition.

They continued to view Haslingden Road gardens and the gyratory with its flower train. 

Pictures show perfectly preened and clean streets, with a variety of flowers and shrubs planted.

Businesses also played their part by creating some beautiful window displays.

This year, the theme for Rawtenstall in Bloom's entry is friendship, flowers and felt.

A spokesperson for Civic Pride Rossendale said judges were left “in tears” after one special moment during the visit.

Credit: Facebook/Civic Pride Rossendale

As judges, Sharon Martin and Amanda Ackroyd, arrived, 22 members of the Rossendale Male Voice Choir emerged from St Mary’s Church, singing.

Amanda said it was “the best greeting she had ever had in eight years of judging”.

Judges will continue to visit entries over the summer and the winners of the competition will be announced at an awards ceremony in October

A spokesperson for Civic Pride Rossendale said: “Two lovely lady judges came and looked at the gardens, the environment and all the community work that had been prepared for this day and the sun shone.

“A huge thanks to everyone who helped make the day so special. Rawtenstall really did look amazing.

“22 members of the Rossendale Male Voice Choir emerged from St Mary's church singing. It created a really moving effect and had lots of us, including the judges, in tears.

“Amanda the RHS judge said it was the best greeting she had ever had in eight years of judging.

“A wonderful example of our community coming together to support each other. A huge thanks to the choir for all their support.”

Lynn Smith, the chair of Civic Pride Rossendale said: “After months of preparation it has been a wonderful day that will last for the coming months for everyone to enjoy who lives, works or visits Rawtenstall “

Janet Allcock the publicity officer, commented: ” I am sure that we gave the Judges a really enjoyable day.

"Whatever the real result, the day has been a wonderful celebration of what can be achieved by working together.”


A spokesperson for Rossendale Council said: “Fingers crossed for Rawtenstall's Britain in Bloom entry!

“This week RHS Britain in Bloom judges came to see Rawtenstall's Britain in Bloom entry.

“Our parks team and Civic Pride Rossendale have done an excellent job at making our town vibrant with colour.

“The judges will continue to visit entries throughout summer, and the winners will be announced at an awards ceremony in October. Watch this space…”