Businesses which took part in a Lancashire County Council-led programme have created a collective 117 jobs and grown turnover by £27 million, according to independent analysis.

The Two Zero Leaders Network scaleup programme was designed to help leaders in fast-growing businesses throughout the county by improving their knowledge and skills through targeted support.

It also intended to create a network of like-minded leaders which helped to grow turnover or staff by 20 per cent each year.

Companies participating in the programme have increased turnover by £12.6m and generated £3.9m for the Lancashire economy.

Taking place between July 2022 and March this year, the scheme supported 43 businesses including the Moorhouse Brewery and electrical engineering firm Serconnect.

Complete Online, a Blackpool-based digital marketing agency, was among the scaleup leaders which took part in the programme.

Tom Smith, chief executive of Complete Online, said: “As a sole founder of a growing business, it can be really lonely.

"Expanding your knowledge is vital as well as bouncing new ideas and strategies off other experts.

“The peer sessions which were part of the Scaleup Leaders Network gave me a platform to do that with other business leaders.”

Having relocated to larger offices, the company is now in the process of recruiting more staff and delivering a growing amount of work for clients in the UK and Dubai.  

Another Two Zero programme which ran in tandem with the Leaders Network was the Women Scaling Up scheme.

This focussed on developing the strategy and mindset of women involved in business and included a residential retreat and experiential day to improve resilience and communication.

It ran through two cohorts taking place over six months in September 2022 and September 2023.

Analysis of the two cohorts shows participants created 56 more jobs and a combined turnover of £14m.

One business that took part was Poulton-based Innovative Food Ingredients.

Chantelle Brennand, commercial director at Food Ingredients, said: “Being part of the Women Scaling Up programme has given me real confidence in my role in business.

“It is great to be part of a group of like-minded women who support each other, and the guidance offered by Role has been invaluable.”

Councillor Aidy Riggott, cabinet member for Economic Development and Growth for Lancashire County Council said: “The analysis shows the guidance provided through our Two Zero programmes to business on the Scaleup Leaders Network and Women Scaling Up Programme is already reaping the rewards.

“These are some real, inspiring success stories and I’m looking forward to following the participating companies’ success as they continue to grow.”