A "boy racer" was stopped by police in Blackburn town centre on Friday and had his car seized.

Blackburn and Darwen Police said he was "trying to impress his mates" by wheel-spinning his Volkswagen Golf in Barbara Castle Way on Friday afternoon (July 26).

However, he didn't realise the officers were right behind him the whole time.

Following further checks, it also transpired he was disqualified from driving and had no insurance.

A police spokesperson said: "This boy racer was really trying to impress his mates by wheel spinning his car on Barbara Castle Way this afternoon.

"His joy was short-lived, however, as the Blackburn taskforce were right behind him.

"It turns out the driver is already disqualified from driving and has no insurance.

"I'm sure his mates will be just as impressed with his court summons for the offences.

"It's a nice day for a walk anyway."