An East Lancashire borough authority is to hold a special meeting to discuss the future of the county's devolution deal after Labour won this month's general election.

Burnley Council will have the extraordinary meeting next month after Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner asked for views on the issue of transferring power from Westminster to the English regions by the end of September.

She has yet to make clear whether she intends to unpick the devolution deal agreed by the upper-tier councils Blackburn with Darwen, Lancashire County and Blackpool in November.

Already four district council leaders including Hyndburn's Cllr Munsif Dad have called for Ms Rayner to look again at the agreement put on ice before the July 4 poll.

Now Burnley Council's Labour group has secured the extraordinary general meeting which is being scheduled to take place next month to the authority can send its views to the new government.

The group's leader Cllr Mark Townsend will table a motion which says: "This council notes the reference made in the King's speech to devolution giving more powers and resources to the nations and regions of the UK to unleash their economic potential being a priority of the new Government.

"Notes that the upper tier councils of Lancashire are intending to proceed with their plan to establish a County Combined Authority as agreed with the previous government.

"Notes the decision of this council in January 2024 to support the establishment of a Lancashire County Combined Authority as per the upper tier councils agreement with government and that the proposal was rejected by the residents of Burnley."

His motion asked the extraordinary meeting to resolve to 'call on the new government to scrap the Lancashire devolution deal that would establish a County Combined Authority and to work with government and Lancashire council leaders to submit an ambitious devolution deal with strong, accountable and inclusive governance for the whole county by the end of September."

The council's Burnley Independent Group leader Cllr Afrasiab Anwar said: "We need to know what the government is proposing on devolution as soon as possible.

"The purpose of the meeting is to write to Angela Rayner to find out what the government is proposing and ensure we get a proper deal which benefits Burnley and Lancashire."

At this week's meeting of Burnley Full Council when devolution was discussed both Cllr Townsend and Anwar made the clear they would oppose any deal what proposed the creation of an East Lancashire authority based in Blackburn.