Nearly 100 people have objected to the multi-million-pound refurbishment plans for Rawtenstall Market later this year.

Work is due to start on refurbishing both the inside and outside areas of Rawtenstall Market next January, providing the plans get the seal of approval from the planning committee in October.

Initial work in Newchurch Road will be carried out inside, while the outside market will remain open, but locals have taken to the planning application to voice their objections to the plans.

The latest designs have changed the mixed-sex public toilets to separate male and female facilities, with an additional baby changing unit.

One resident, Deborah Marcroft, commented on the application and said: "I agree that the toilets and some structural improvements are needed, but the plan to bring the food stalls inside and the other stalls outside is at best poorly thought out and at worst selfish and greed driven.

"People currently visit the outdoor food stalls all year round, many have been adapted by vendors to offer shelter.

"I believe that this will not be the same for selling stalls outside. Bad weather will mean no one wanting to spend time looking at things for sale."

An exit has been created at the rear of the building onto the car park and four spaces for disabled drivers have been included with a level access to the west of the building.

The report shows the erection of a substation and switch room which will provide the power supply to the entire market.

Jack Biddulph commented: "I believe the proposed movement of the outside traders inside, and that of a centralised bar, completely defeats the allure of the markets.

"People stop by the markets because they can see that they are busy and have an atmosphere about them.

"Moving this crowd indoors when the outside traders will be closing up at around 5pm will make the area feel dead and lose its appeal.

"Centralising the bar seems like a greedy move on the developers to take the customers and profits away from the stall owners that have made the markets what they are today.

"If this goes through as planned, within months it will be dead, filled with empty stalls and no customers."

Only alcohol supplied at a central bar sited in the market hall will be permitted and the frontage has been opened up to make the entrance more appealing.

In the market hall, there will be an array of street food and fresh food stalls, such as a butcher and a fishmonger.

Vivienne Fairclough commented: "The market as it is works incredibly well.

"I fear that this change will disadvantage both the current indoor traders selling goods as this will mean far less trade during our wet winters.

"People will just not go and browse. Also many have been in the market for years and I think they just wouldn't work outside.

"For the food traders, the closure of the market for these refurbishments would mean severe loss of trade. Please don't change things. It is amazing as it is."

At the time of writing, there are 88 public comments objecting the plans, with one in support, on Rossendale Council's website.

A council spokesperson said: "Throughout this process, we have consistently kept traders informed and actively listened to their feedback.

"The majority are on board and looking forward to the new opportunities the redevelopment will offer.

"This redevelopment is part of a larger plan to revitalise the town centre and aims to create a vibrant and well-used market.

"We will continue to work closely with the market management company and traders to ensure a smooth transition and minimise disruption.

"The priority for the council is to provide a suitable space for all market traders to allow them to operate while the works take place, and our commitment remains to support our traders and enhance the market's appeal for everyone."

The determination deadline is Monday, August 26, and residents have until then to express their views on the plans.