An acting chief executive is set to take over at Lancashire County Council – nearly two months before the current boss leaves.

Mark Wynn – who is the authority’s executive director of resources – will step into the top job on a temporary basis from August 1.

The move is part of the preparations for the departure of Angie Ridgwell, who has held the post for the past six-and-a-half years. She leaves on September 25, but it is understood the pair will work together in the meantime in order to ensure continuity when the official handover occurs.

Mr Wynn – who was appointed to his present role in October 2022 – will then remain in charge as the interim chief executive until a permanent replacement is announced, which is not expected to be until next year.

Ms Ridgwell is leaving Lancashire County Council – the fourth-largest local authority in the country – in order to take up the equivalent job at Hertfordshire County Council.

In his current position, Mr. Wynn has been responsible for promoting “transformational change” across the authority and supporting the delivery of its corporate priorities.

Upon his appointment almost two years ago, he said he was “look[ing] forward to working for a council that strives to deliver modern and efficient services”.

Meanwhile, a senior Lancashire County Council finance boss has left the authority after working there for 23 years.

Neil Kissock, who was most recently the director of finance, moved into the same role – but with the added responsibility of being the section 151 officer – at Bury Council earlier this month.