A drug dealer said he sold cannabis in East Lancashire to provide financial support to him and his partner.

Adam Arif, 25, was stopped by police in Accrington on September 3, 2022, when they saw Arif sat on a bicycle in conversation with another man.

They believed a drug deal was taking place so approached the defendant who tried to run away, but only got around 10 yards before he was caught.

He had two small bags of cannabis in his hand, and a bag he was wearing was found to contain further bags, taking the total value of cannabis up to £50.

Two small bags of cocaine, worth around £40 each, were also found, along with £1,300 in cash, prosecutor Stephen Parker told Burnley Crown Court.

A search of Arif’s home was undertaken and further snap bags and a set of scales were discovered, but no further drugs.

Two phones were also discovered but the pin numbers to access these were not provided.

Ellie Watson, mitigating, said this was Arif’s own operation and there was nobody else involved in the chain.

She said Arif had become involved in street dealing as he was concerned about his financial situation due to his partner becoming pregnant.

Ms Watson said this was out of character for Arif and that he was sorry for wasting the court’s time.

Arif, of Hood Street, Accrington, pleaded guilty to possession with intent to supply cannabis and possession of cocaine.

Recorder Sophie Cartwright, sentencing, said Arif dealt the drugs with the “expectation of significant financial gain.”

She accepted the cocaine was for Arif’s own personal use and was not being dealt.

Arif was sentenced to nine months in prison, suspended for two years.

He must also complete a four month drug rehabilitation requirement, 20 rehabilitation activity requirement days, and complete 100 hours of unpaid work.