A councillor is campaigning for safety fencing to prevent dangerous trips and falls on a Blackburn housing estate.

Ewood ward's Cllr Elaine Whittingham wants Together Housing to install the protection on the Livesey Estate to prevent accidents caused by sharp falls in ground levels.

The group owns and manages many of the properties on the former council estate.

Cllr Whittingham took up the issue after complaints from residents about the sharp drops alongside the pavements in Parklands Way caused by the demolition of garages.

But she has found similar problems elsewhere on the estate, notably in Cockridge Close.

Despite her contacting Together Housing, it has so far declined to install the fences.

Cllr Whittingham said: "I have a longstanding issue with the safety leftover when garages were demolished on the Livesey Estate.

"This was brought to my attention after being contacted by residents. I have raised my concerns repeatedly.

"Parklands Way is on a hill and used as a walkway, plus lots of children ride bikes in the area.

"My concern is for people walking down the hill. The slightest bit of snow in the winter will mask these drops.

"This could result in a fall and/or broken bones.

"On wandering the estate I notice this is not the only unprotected trip hazard left after demolition of garages, including in Cockridge Close.

"I am really disappointed and believe there remains a risk of injury.

"There was a near miss recently when a car nearly backed down the drop. I again contacted Together Housing asking for this to be revisited.

"I got the following: 'As advised previously, there is no health and safety requirement to install a fence to this area'.

"I remain concerned that these remain a health and safety risk.

"I can’t believe that Together Housing is putting the price of a fence above resident safety."

Martin Wilson, assistant director of property at Together Housing, said: "We take the welfare of all residents very seriously and do so by ensuring we follow industry-level health and safety requirements.

"We are confident the works on the former garages on Parklands Way have been completed in line with these requirements and want to reassure residents that we are actively seeking ways to address their concerns.

"We have spoken to local residents and the local councillor, and our teams have agreed upon additional precautionary work on the raised land."