A PEDAL-powered pervert indecently assaulted three teenage girls as he cycled past them in Blackburn town centre.

Blackburn magistrates heard that after the third incident Michael Svatek was “detained” by one of the girl's father who was walking with her.

The court heard that when he was held by the irate father Svatek grabbed his groin area and said; “it no work, it no work.”

Svatek, 34, of Whalley New Road, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to three charges of sexual assault on a female.

He was sentenced to 36 weeks in prison suspended for 18 months with a 30-day rehabilitation activity requirement.

He was also made subject to sexual offender registration requirements for 10 years and a sexual harm prevention order for five years.

The court heard Svatek had been remanded in custody since May 17.

District Judge Alexandra Preston said the victims had simply been walking through Blackburn town centre when they had been targeted by Svatek.

“You did so in a way that was clearly sexually motivated and also in a way which was so public it was bound to cause them humiliation,” said District Judge Preston. “Your behaviour would have caused them significant distress.”

District Judge Preston said she had read that Svatek thought what he did was funny and that he denied having a deviant sexual interest in teenage girls.

“It seems to me that you are a sexual predator in denial about that fact,” she said.

“The offences are made worse by the fact you were drunk.”

Graeme Tindall, prosecuting, said two of the girls were aged 14 and one 16.

They had all been either slapped on the bottom or had their bottom grabbed by the defendant as he cycled past them.

“He was caught because one of the girls was walking with her father and he chased after the defendant and detained him until the police arrived,” said Mr Tindall.

Mo Akram, defending, said his client, who appeared by video link and spoke through a Czech interpreter, had been living in the UK for 10 years although there was still uncertainty about his immigration status.

“He apologises to the court through me,” said Mr Akram. “He makes no objection to the sexual harm prevention order proposed by the prosecution.”