Accrington's priciest and cheapest streets over the last five years have been revealed.

Hollins Lane, Newton Drive, and Partridge Drive are home to the highest-valued properties in the region, according to Property Solvers.

On Hollins Lane (BB5), eight homes sold at an average price of £367,437.

Five properties on Newton Drive (BB5) went for an average of £348,200 while three houses on Partridge Drive (BB5) sold for an average of £345,983.

In contrast, the lowest-priced streets include Wellington Street (BB5), where four houses sold for £41,281 on average.

Seven homes were sold on Belfield Road (BB5) for an average price of £41,958, and three houses on Mason Street (BB5) went for an average of £42,666.

Other high-value roads include Royds Avenue (BB5) with an average price of £300,200, Quarry Hill (BB5) averaging £290,250, and Woodfield Avenue (BB5) with an average of £284,216.

Bolstering the list of the cheapest roads include Fountain Street (BB5) with homes selling for an average of £43,571, Hood Street (BB5) averaging £45,222, and properties on Derby Street (BB5) marking an average price of £46,642.

Hyndburn Borough Council leader, Munsif Dad, said: "A lot of the cheapest streets are in the Woodnook area.

"Woodnook has always had a problem, with areas crying out for investment.

"Lots of funding has gone into the upper part but some areas could do with more money to bring the area to standard.

"A lot of investment needs to take place in housing, and we'll be looking at how we can get people to take more pride in their homes."

Property Solvers co-founder Ruban Selvanayagam, in his analysis of the data, said: "To keep the data less skewed, we only ranked the streets that had over three sales.

“It’s therefore worth noting that, in recent years, a property on Hollins Lane (BB5) sold for £650,000 and, at the other end of the market, there were properties that sold for £20,000 and under on Bishop Street (BB5), Emma Street (BB5) and Beech Street (BB5)."