A day nursery in Burnley where staff 'worked exceptionally hard to bring about change since the last inspection' has been rated good by Ofsted.

Partou Habergham Day Nursery and Pre-School, on Padiham Road, was inspected by Ofsted on June 26.

It was previously named Little People of Habergham before changing in 2023.

A report published by Ofsted on July 22 said that 'staff create a nurturing play environment for children' and 'greet children each morning with a smile and a hug'.

It added: "Children cannot contain their excitement to play and explore their surroundings. Staff know children well. They plan an ambitious curriculum, which keeps children interested to learn.

"For example, older children giggle with delight while exploring the texture of ice. In the main, staff are good role models. Generally, children behave well and show positive attitudes towards their learning. Staff give children's emotional well-being high priority.

"They spend time getting to know children and their families during the settling-in period. Consequently, children settle quickly, feel safe and have a strong sense of belonging."

In August, compliance action was taken by Ofsted for childcare provision at the nursery. Their last Ofsted report at this time was rated 'requires improvement'.

Ofsted received concerns that the provider was not meeting some requirements, but later found the provider had taken action to put this right. 

This year's report said that the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, and leadership and management were all rated 'good'.

The report added: "Staff encourage children's individuality exceptionally well. Children express themselves through song and dance.

"They learn about the many ways that make them unique, such as having different hair or skin colour. Staff teach children that it is okay to be different. They help children to be respectful of others.

"Staff support children to be independent from a young age. For example, they encourage babies to wipe their own faces after mealtimes. Older children help to tidy toys away and take care of their personal belongings."