A 'masterplan' for work on Burnley's Towneley Park has been released by the council.

Following public consultation, in which Burnley Council received more than 1,000 responses, a draft named 'Towneley Park Masterplan' has been produced.

Towneley Park is the largest park in Burnley with a total of 180 hectares of landscaped parkland, surrounding Towneley Hall and Museum, and is estimated to attract in excess of 500,000 visitors annually.

The masterplan will guide how the park develops over the coming years, including work on the former nine-hole golf course; the sports pavilion; and Causeway End tennis courts.

The current vision of the council for the park is that “Towneley Park will be a dynamic public park that benefits the health and wellbeing of the community and attracts visitors from across the region".

The document adds: "It will be an exemplar in the sustainable management of urban greenspace and through continued improvement, it will contribute to the development of Burnley as an attractive and prosperous town.”

Other considerations include the current golf provision, an 18-hole course designed by the legendary architect James Braid, plus the bowling greens, Fulledge Recreation Ground, Woodgrove car park and issues around access, landscape management, event management, and traffic.

The intention of the masterplan is to 'review the current visitor offer of facilities and activities which embraces sport, informal recreation and heritage, whilst focussing on the underperforming or derelict areas of the park'.

Some of the suggestions in the report on how to improve the facilities included reviewing traffic management on Deer Park Road, with arrangements for a Cycle Hub on the former nine-hole golf course or to include appropriate speed bumps and signage and additional passing places.

The report also said lighting could be improved between the hall car park, the hall and in the golf car park for night-time events.

Burnley Borough Council are now seeking views from park users on the masterplan and invite anyone to complete the short survey by August 18.