A man arrested for being drunk and disorderly racially abused two police officers.

Blackburn Magistrates' Court heard Matthew Scorer launched a tirade of abuse towards the officer transporting him to the police station on July 7, 2023, in Nelson.

When they arrived at Greenbank he turned his attention to another and as well as racially abusing him threatened to bite his nose off.

Both officers who Scorer racially abused are of South Asian heritage.

Scorer, 35, of the Thomas Project, Spring Lane, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to two charges of racially aggravated threatening behaviour.

He was sentenced to eight weeks in prison suspended for 12 months and ordered to pay £100 compensation to each of the officers.

Susheela Regala, prosecuting, said officers attended Nelson station at 9.45pm where they arrested Scorer for being drunk and disorderly.

He was warned about the language he was using towards the officers both in the van and at the police station and was eventually arrested for those offences as well.

Wazeem Chowdhary, in mitigation, said his client accepted fully the prosecution case and had pleaded guilty at the first opportunity.

“The offences go back to July of last year and he is apologetic and remorseful for his behaviour,” said Mr Chowdhary.

“It was related to the drink issues he was having at the time. Since then he has got himself into rehab and is addressing those issues.

“He was dropped off by staff from the rehab centre this morning and will be going back there on the conclusion of this case.”