The Consecration Service for the new Bishop of Burnley will take place at one of the world's most famous cathedrals.

Rev. Dr Joe Kennedy will be consecrated by the Archbishop of York, The Most Rev. and Rt Hon. Stephen Cottrell, in a service steeped in ancient tradition at York Minster today (Friday).

Bishops and other senior clergy from this Diocese and across the northern province of the Church of England, will be in attendance, including the Diocesan Bishop, Rt Rev. Philip North, Bishop of Blackburn.

Bishop-Designate Joe said: “My consecration service will be a time of joy and reflection but will also be a vivid reminder of the responsibilities I am about to take on.

"My hope is to offer to all in Lancashire a ministry which is confident in God, rooted in prayer and focused on pastoral care and on mission.

“I am looking forward to working with colleagues across the whole diocese as we continue to implement Vision 2026 together and look to the future – supporting healthy churches, transforming communities.”

Bishop Philip added: “Everyone in the Diocese is looking forward with great anticipation to the Consecration Service at the Minster on Friday.

"We are praying for Joe, his family and his friends as he prepares to make this transition to episcopal ministry.

“He will bring to the diocese a profound and life-changing trust in Jesus Christ; a sincere commitment to seeing the flourishing of all and huge gifts in preaching and teaching.”

Constructed between the 13th and 15th Centuries, and consecrated on 1472, York Minster is one of most iconic Anglican cathedrals in the country.

A church has been on the site since 627, and the Minster retains the largest surviving medieval stained glass window in the world, depicting the Last Judgement, and it is a Grade-I listed building.