The new Labour administration in charge of Hyndburn Council is to review its Corporate Strategy for 2023 to 2028.

The authority's leader Cllr Munsif Dad said the move was necessary in view of his party taking control of the borough in May and being elected as the government on July 4.

However, his Conservative counterpart Cllr Zak Khan said Labour was wasting the council's 'time and resources'.

The policy blueprint adopted in November last year promises to create 'an ambitious and sustainable future for Hyndburn'.

Its priorities include sustainable growth by promoting employment and business, revitalising Accrington town centre, and building new housing.

On tackling environment and climate change, the document promises to make the council net zero by 2030 by focussing on green open spaces, the natural environment, domestic home energy reduction and community and collaborative working.

Cllr Zak Khan is not impressed with the decisionCllr Zak Khan is not impressed with the decision

It promises partnership working in the fields of health and wellbeing, heritage, culture and arts.

The strategy says the council's corporate values should underpin how it works in terms of customer focus, integrity, positive attitude and teamwork.

Cllr Dad said: “In November 2023 the council adopted its Corporate Strategy.

"In light of the change in control locally, and the change of government, it is now important that we review the strategy and ensure it reflects the priorities of the council and that it aligns with policies and opportunities from the new government.

"With this in mind, I have agreed with the chief executive that we will begin the process of reviewing and revising the strategy, with a view to bringing a new document to the council in the coming months.

"We will of course provide all members with the opportunity to get involved in shaping the new strategy and the document will, in any case, be brought to a future meeting of the council for final approval.”

Tory group leader Cllr Khan said: "The Labour group voted for and spoke in favour of the Corporate Strategy as a non-political, evidence-based document.

"Labour is focused on looking backwards to tinker with things we have already done, to avoid making any substantial decisions on going forwards.

"It is simply a waste of time and resources."