A “serial domestic abuser” has been convicted of the “vicious, pre-meditated” murder of a woman.

David Liptrot, 56, had already admitted that he had stabbed his girlfriend Caroline Gore, but claimed that she had attacked him.

But after a three-week trial at Manchester Crown Court, Liptrot has now been found guilty of Ms Gore’s murder.

CPS North West district crown prosecutor Ben Collinson said: “This was a vicious, pre-meditated attack on a defenceless woman in her own home.

“David Liptrot is a serial domestic abuser.

The trial took place at Manchester Crown Court The trial took place at Manchester Crown Court (Image: Newsquest)

“He had been jailed previously for assaults against Caroline Gore and had served prison sentences, the most recent of which ended in July 2023.

“Despite the current restraining order, he rekindled his relationship with Ms Gore and fatally stabbed her on 29 October 2023.

“The Crown Prosecution Service worked with GMP’s major incident team to to disprove his assertions that Ms Gore was the aggressor.

“My thoughts are with Ms Gore’s family and friends.”

Liptrot, of Shelley Avenue, Coppell, had been out in pubs around Leigh and Atherton on Sunday October 29 last year with Ms Gore before they argued and Ms Gore travelled back to Wigan.

After spending some time looking for Ms Gore, Liptrot travelled back to her flat in Wigan, entering the flat, shortly after 8pm.

Ms Gore didn’t return to her flat until 11.06pm that night, where Liptrot was lying in wait and around 15 minutes later, Liptrot left the flat after fatally stabbing her.

In the afternoon of October 30 2024, Liptrot returned to one of the pubs he had been in the previous night, he told patrons: “I’ve killed Caroline.”

He said that he had stabbed her claimed he was sick of being bullied, later telling the landlady: “If there is ever big problems, you get rid of them, you get shut.”

The landlady was concerned about Ms Gore and after receiving no reply from a message, she contacted the police.

At just after 8.20pm on 30 October 30 2023, police went into the flat and found Ms Gore in the bathroom, slumped in front of the toilet with her keys on the floor next to her.

She had bled to death from stab wounds to her neck, chest and stomach.

A tribute from Ms Gore's family after her death said: "We as a family are heartbroken and saddened at the loss of Caroline Gore.

"A dearly loved mum, daughter and sister has been tragically taken way too soon."

A postmortem confirmed that Ms Gore died from multiple stab wounds, which had cut an artery and caused damage to her organs.

Liptrot was arrested later that evening and in his police interview accepted that had stabbed Ms Gore.

He claimed he had gone into the bathroom to calm her down when she attacked him, she then got out the knife which she jabbed towards him.

He said he couldn’t remember what happened next but acknowledged that he must have stabbed her.

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But Liptrot admitted that he had thrown the clothes he was wearing at the time in the bin at the back of the pub and he had thrown the knife in some bushes.

The knife and clothing were later found and blood on them were linked forensically to Ms Gore.

At court, Liptrot pleaded not guilty to murder, claiming a loss of self-control and denying he intended to cause her serious injury, but admitted manslaughter.

But he was found guilty of murder by a jury on Tuesday July 16.

Liptrot will be brought back to court to learn his fate on August 16.