Oswaldtwistle's County Councillor Peter Britcliffe has said the news that the body found in Tenerife is that of Jay Slater was 'devastating' for the town and a tragedy for his family.

He was speaking after Spanish authorities said documentation belonging to the 19-year-old was found on the body that was recovered from a deep rocky ravine on Monday (June 15).

Fingerprint tests matched those of the 19-year-old apprentice bricklayer.

County Cllr Britcliffe said: "I think this is devastating news for most people in Oswaldtwistle.

"We are a very close-knit community.

"Our thoughts go out to his family and friends at this time.

"This is a huge tragedy for them to lose such a young man.

"It is very, very sad for his family, his friends and the town."

In a statement, The Canary Islands High Court of Justice said: "We have a positive identification and more data: fingerprint tests show that the body is [that] of Jay Slater and that the death was caused by trauma consistent with a fall in a rocky area."