Blackburn Sea Cadets celebrated their 60th anniversary at Blackburn Cathedral last weekend in time with Sea Sunday.

On Sunday, July 14, TS Mohawk celebrated its 60th Anniversary with a Eucharist Service and social within the Cathedral Crypt.

Last weekend also saw Sea Sunday celebrations, an opportunity to remember and say prayers for the men and women who work at sea.

The Sea Cadets were joined by a host of dignitaries including the Lord Lieutenant of Lancashire, the High Sheriff of Lancashire, the Mayors of Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council and Ribble Valley Borough Council, and the vice-chair of Lancashire County Council.

A spokesperson for TS Mohawk said: "We would like to thank all those who attended our special day to recognise 60 years.

"60 years is a remarkable milestone, and it speaks volumes about the dedication and commitment of countless individuals who have been the heart and soul of our unit.

"Over the years, TS Mohawk has been more than just a place for training; it has been a second home, a place of growth, learning, and camaraderie for thousands of young people.

"To our volunteers, past and present, your dedication has been the cornerstone of our success. You have shaped the lives of many, instilling skills and values that last a lifetime.

"Your selflessness and commitment have created a nurturing environment where our cadets can thrive. The unit now looks forward to the next 60 years!"

As well as dignitaries, the unit also had approximately 150 supporters and Mohawk alumni join for the day.

There were speeches from the Lord Lieutenant Amanda Parker JP, the Unit Chair Jacob Knowles, the Unit Commanding Officer CSgt I R Hamer, and a presentation from the Mayor of Blackburn with Darwen Council Councillor Brian Taylor to recognise unit management trustee Stella Brunskill on her retirement from the unit management team after 48 years.

If any alumni missed the event but would like to get back in touch with the unit, they can contact